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Monday, January 16, 2012

So far, so good

The doctor said I was doing great. All my head holes, ok. Knees, feet, ankles, all doing good. Even after the *cough, cough* test, everything is a-ok!! He said he could find nothing wrong with me physically. (Mentally.....?) He also told me the best way to lose the weight is cardio, cardio, cardio. So I may be buying a bike in a few weeks.... we'll see. So now the only thing left is I must make the time to get blood work. Full panel, so I wonder how much blood those vampires will take. As long as they don't glitter in sunlight, I think I'll be ok.

I finally got the Total Gym set up in my workout room.

Although I did lose the instructions on how to put it together, I still have the workout book. So I'll just have to go to the interwebs for more specific details. Between this and the heavy bag, I'll stay pretty busy.

Back to the doctor, I think he was more interested in my tattoo work than the job at hand. So hopefully I've referrewd someone to Jess, she does excellent work!!! He also seemed very interested in the reddish, rash looking skin on the back of my arms. He called it keratosis pilaris. No biggie, its not going to kill me or anything, but he said it was a condition passed down from generation to generation. Also of note, he said scientists are finding that it is a condition that originated from Vikings. Not sure how much I believe him, because I couldn't find ANYTHING about it on a Google search. But anything is possible, because from what I know, my ancestors were from all over northern Europe. Germany, France, Poland...... I'm a Euro-mutt!!! HAHAHA!!!!

Have I read the book yet that I talked about last post?? No. Is it late?? Yes. Its only 135 pages, so what should take a normal person a week will take me a month!!! So if I don't blog here over the next few days, I didn't fall off the earth. Just reading........ Off to bed, with my new best friend, Melatonin.....


  1. Actually babe that should only take a normal person a couple hours to read so u should b able to do it in a week. Love ya.

    1. Maybe..... If ya do the dishes more often..... ;)
