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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Do as I say.....

I am realizing more and more as my life moves on. I am on this quest to make my life better. To improve my health, my family, and my well being. Some people have come up and asked me about the things I was doing to accomplish those goals. The words just rolled off my tongue!!! And when people close to me have some issues they must deal with, again, the solutions flow freely from my mind. why can't I take my own advice???? I know all the things I have to do. But the main reason I think it is taking so long to accomplish what I want is that I just don't take my own advice. I don't listen to myself. It's easy to make excuses for myself, but if I hear an excuse from someone else, its just not acceptable. And sometimes, I do get mean. So for those who have felt that wrath, I do apologize. It is more difficult than I thought to break old habits. Case in point........

In the meantime, I'll be doing more research into a nighttime protein shake. Or maybe it'll be more beneficial (and cheaper) to eat a small piece of chicken or cheese before bed, like someone suggested in a comment a few posts ago.

Well, three days of hell coming up, so most likely I won't be posting. If I do it'll be short and sweet.
And if I seemed kinda short tempered over the last few posts, just know I have been very tired. I've only had a second job for 3 weeks now, and while I am almost adjusted to it, I'm still not there yet. Hopefully soon I'll be there this weekend so I can resume my Total Gym. Chuck Norris is getting angry. NOT a good thing..........

Monday, February 27, 2012

Too much fiber

So I've been reading that your body consumes protein all day long, and that at night while you sleep your body runs out of it. Thinking that it's starving, the body starts to store fat while consuming the only protein left in your body....... muscle. I've seen alot of advertisements for time released nighttime protein supplements, but was unsure of which one to take. Any advice? I'm sure 7 readers know 7 people each, and someone of that group of 49 SHOULD know someone with some advice.   ;)

I also started to consume more fiber last night, to help with the colitis. I used to take nearly 100% of my daily intake and was fine. I stopped for a while, but I think I stopped too long. Cause now I'm hurtin!!! I know it'll pass (no pun intended), but OY!!! I think wifey may make me sleep on the couch if I don't..... settle down...........

Slowly getting back on track. Still haven't worked up the motivation to work out yet. It'll happen soon I'm sure, just gotta give it time. My doctor told me about something called Jack3d. Its a supplement he uses before his workouts. Kind of unsure about it, may have to do some more research on it.

Not much else to tell for today. No post tomorrow, for I have to work. Good night!! Till next time!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

BE the honey badger

Good weekend. Made alot of bank, got stuff done that I have been neglecting for weeks, and I'm on my third (yes third!!!) bottle of Synthe-6. I have never stuck with anything like this for so long. The stuff really works, keeping me full for hours!!! Contact me if you need more info.
Got a little frustrated last night. Found out a friend reconciled with and old friend. For some reason it hurt me, because of everything I know about the relationship. But then I thought, why does this affect ME? I haven't hung around either of them in months, so why should I care. So, I decided to be the honey badger, and not care. I am happy for them that they decided to bury the hatchet, but it's not going to change the way I live my life. In fact, I don't believe anything will change, and the status quo will remain the same.

Frustrations continued, however, through the night. As I was sitting at my computer one of the cartridges for my Blu ran out. No biggie. So I opened another one. Dead. Had nothing in it. Brand new, right out of the box. OK, so I go for another one. DEAD! So i change batteries. First one, still dead. But alas, the second one did work. The problem with these e-cigs is that it is a machine. Machines fail. Regular cigs don't. But I'll stick with it. Don't wanna go back too far.  

I haven't weighed myself in weeks. Because of everything going on in the last four weeks, I haven't been mindful of what I eat, or exercising. And this second job is taking all the energy that I would normally use to exercise. Don't get me wrong, the money is great, and I am getting some exercise, just not the way I wanted to. The only comfort I take in all of this is knowing I can quit at any time. Just have to get a few unexpected bills paid off, and it'll be all good. Good night.......

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where the HELL have you been!!!!!!

OK, I've got good news and bad news. Good news, to quote Mark Twain, "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated." (And to those of you who thought 'well that's the bad news', you can go sit on your thumb). The bad news, I have fallen off the wagon. I didn't slam face first, but I haven't done anything to help my situation. I am still using Syntha-6, still taking all my meds, and still watching what I eat......... watching it go into my mouth...... So I have gained a couple pounds back. I haven't lost all the progress I've made, but I did take a few steps back.

It has been a rough month. Not only did I have to endure the anniversary of my fathers death, his birthday was three weeks later. The family did celebrate, but it was still tough none the less. Little did I know that next on deck, wifey had to have back to back medical procedures. Good times. No worries, shes OK folks. Finally, I decided to get a second job. I don't NEED it, but it's nice to have the extra money, considering I had to take a pay cut to ensure I got 40 hours a week. So while I'm making some extra cash, I am actually preventing myself from sitting on my ass watching TV and pigging out more. WIN!

I could've let this blog wither away. I am not going to be able to update it as much as I like to anymore, so that was the logical choice. But an old friend inspired me to write again. They told me that they missed my posts, and in the past told me that in some way I inspire them. Weird, huh? So like the trooper I am, I shall endure. I can no longer consider this blog just for me. If y'all DO read it and it helps, no matter how many times I fall off that wagon, I believe I have done something for the better. So, thank you, my dear 7 readers.