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Friday, May 24, 2013


My brain hurts. So many ones and zeros. So many acronyms. TCP/IP, SONET, DSL, subnet masks, and 802.11a/b/g/n, just to name a few. The wonderful big world of NET+. It is difficult, about as hard as I expected, but I know I will succeed. It'll just take time. It took me months to get into the groove of being a warehouse manager, so I suspect the same will be true as an IT professional. I did get some good news from school. I made the deans list last month. Yay me!! Lets see how long I can keep this up. 

Ever since I found out wifey was pregnant I've been bustin my ass getting the house fixed up. We're now at about the half way point. All walls, except for the bedrooms are painted. Kitchen and dining room done, except for the flooring. It's been keeping me busy, but it's all worth it. Wifey keeps joking that she should've gotten pregnant sooner, because all this work would've been done sooner. So I just give her my evil look and she says, "Lovvvvvve youuuuuu!"

Another benefit of her being pregnant is that she has had no choice but to eat healthy, which by default, means I eat healthier. Sorry, but I'm not going to have Ben and Jerry's ice cream when she can't eat it. That's just cruel. So we've been controlling portion size, cutting a lot of carbs, eating mostly proteins. Although I do sneak in the occasional piece of chocolate. And since I've been laid off, I've worked part time at dominos again. I have barely touched the pizza there. MAYBE 2 slices in two months while working. That's an achievement for me. I maxed out this winter at 228. Damn. I'm back down to 221. I need to keep this going. Not for me. Not for wifey. But for the child growing inside her. My dad had his first heart attack at 36. I'm 34. I don't want that life. 

Enjoy your day, 7 peeps!! I may have to work tonite, but no school on Fridays, so Carpe Diem!! And I don't want to lose any readers this weekend either, so have a safe Memorial Day!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

First Final

Today is finals day for my first class. Nervous. Did my traditional study method too. Hope it works!!!


Aced it!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

First month

It's been almost a month since I started school, and I am loving it. I have learned so much in such a short period of time it's amazing. Although I really could have used this knowledge of Microsoft Office Suites at my last job, it's better late than never. Some nights my brain does turn to mush, but that's ok. It means I'm learning.

Thank you all for your response. I guess the consensus on raising a kid and knowing what it needs is just to wing it. Go on instinct. My instinct with older kids is pretty solid, but babies..... I guess I'm just afraid I'm gonna break em. Then again, an old friend told me that's tough to do, that they bounce right back. I hope she's right, but I don't think I'll test that theory.

Speaking of old friends, these past few weeks have been an adventure in the past. Three old friends have come out of the woodwork to say hi. It was very exciting to speak with them again. We shared so many great memories, awkward looks, inside jokes, and OMG moments. Just catching up and hearing everything they've done over the last 10+ years is worth the wait. I just don't want to let another ten years go by again without them in my life.

Next, the housing project is going smooth again. Kitchen was torn up on Saturday, and I thought it was going to be a one day job. NOPE!! Didn't get done till Sunday afternoon. But it's done right!! There is a funny story about the cooktop, but I'll get into that later. And another funny story about how I tried to electrocute myself too. I can be dangerous at times. I am tired, but I am not doing all this for me. I am doing it for my child. They deserve a home worthy of living in.

Finally, I teared up yesterday. Wifey went for another sonogram and the office made a DVD of it, since I couldn't be there. Her first trimester is almost over, and some features are becoming visible. But what brought me to my knees was what I saw. I saw the baby move. I almost lost it. There will soon be a little version of me running around the world. friends should be frightened.