So after bills are paid, a little cash set aside, I had a bit of money burning a hole in my pocket. Do I save it?! Oh, hell no!! I buy sake!!! Sooooo looking forward to this tonite.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Let's try this again....
I decided to join a gym again. I know, I know, with working 2 jobs, going to school part time, and my boss getting fired (longer work hours), where will I find the time?? I'll just have to do something. Just have to suck it up and get it done. Bonus... Unlimited tanning. Good bye Casper Mike!!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Just damn.
Been a helluva month. Where to begin??? First, after hearing about an awesome shift at my pizza delivery job making on average $50 to $80 a shift in tips alone, I asked for it. When the opportunity came by I clung to it. Be careful what you wish for. No where near the hype. Only one week in the last four have I cleared $50. The rest of the time its been barely $30. Not worthy whole Saturday. I'm going back to nights.
Then there's school. I know I should be studying tonite, but after the day I've had today (I'll go into it later) my mind is mush. I'm surprised I have enough stamina to post this. LOL. Thank goodness for phone apps. School has been difficult lately. The weeks worth of curriculum doesn't seem to match the weekly quizzes. I've gotten to the point now where I am forced to read ahead. I really don't like correspondence courses, and this class for work is kinda like one. But at least I'm getting paid for it. It is a lot more in depth than I thought. I don't believe I am over my head, I just have to focus more.
Then just last week, as if not enough crap was going on, BOOM!!! I wake up with a massive toothache. Root canal time!!!! The pain was coming from my rear molar, which I thought was a wisdom tooth. I was just gonna have them pull it. Nope. Gotta save it, so a root canal was needed. FML. The last time I went to a dentist I got violently ill 2 says later. I didn't want that to happen again. That's what I was scared of, not the root canal, surprisingly. Bit like clockwork, I got sick. Nothing too bad, bit I needed to take a day off from both jobs. Working 60 hours a week starts to take its toll, and its tough to get better when you're working so much. The tooth gets capped next week, and a crown a few weeks later.
Wifey is REALLY getting better at her photography. We recently went out to the beach with some friends to take some family pictures for them..... right before the tropical storm hit. The timing sucked, but the pics turned out great. She is seriously considering trying to sell her pics as stock photos.
Then finally, there's today. District manager came in today, and had a long talk with my manager. Apparently he's said and done some things he really shouldn't have. Was in a meeting with him for over 2 hours, too. Total stress out today. We didn't know what was going on untill it was all over. Not even sure if my boss is going to have a job, but they sent him home on a long weekend. Which means, I has to bust my ass to compensate for his absence. Hence forth, my head mush. I am still surprised I am awake. I really should go to bed though. Gonna be a fun day tomorrow. Good times.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Week one, complete!!
....And I passed. Watched the lecture read the book, used the flashcards, took the quiz, and passed. Only 6 questions, but they were kind of misleading. I mean, seriously, illegible handwriting is a HANDICAP?!?! Um, I guess that means most of the doctors in this country are handicapped, too, right? ;)
I'm actually surprised I have the ability to stay awake right now. I didn't get home from pizza delivery till about 11pm, dinner and bed by 11:45. I know going to bed so soon after eating isn't good, but I was exhausted!! These 14 hour days are killers, but I love the extra money coming in.
Speaking of money, wifey and I are exploring ALL our options to have little ones run around the house. We just got off the phone with an adoption agency. Seems legit, I might add. Good story, pretty solid looking company. Then, like most things, it came down to the money. "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!" And oh boy, they wanted us to show them A LOT!!!!! $27,000, and that's just THEIR fee!!! Legal fees, home study, travel, and birth mother support, you're looking at about $40,000. After all of that, there won't be any money left to support a kid!!! Hell, with that kind of money, I'll just go buy a hooked up Dodge Challenger and call it my baby.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Schools in session!!
Hello peeps!!! So I've made my decision and chose to stick with my current job and let them pay for my education. I really don't need to be saddled with even MORE debt than I already have. So tonite was my first nite, and all I can say is boooorring. Had to read the first chapter of a dull, dry read of a book for assistive technology. I actually fell asleep during the first half hour!! HAHAHA!!!
So it took me about 3 hours to read what I had to read. The rest was cake. Mmmmmmmm...... cake........
No, must.... remember.... diet....
Every Monday I get a weeks worth of assignments and discussion questions, and I got most of it done tonite. I have about 90 minutes with of material left and then I'm done for the week!! Just a webinar and a quiz.
Besides school, things have been insane lately. Wifey and I have been getting a lot of outdoorsy stuff done, all on account of her wanting to use her new camera. Nature trails, Castillo de San Marco, and even kids birthday parties. Her head has been stuck behind that camera. And she's actually pretty good, to boot.
My poor nephew was back in the hospital, too. And of course he wanted visitors. All he wanted to do was talk his head off to uncle Mike about the video game he wants to make. But things look good for him, seems he may be going home tomorrow!!
Some other things have happened too, but I don't want this post to be too long. Anyhow, its 12:30 and 6:30 comes early. But for those that DIDN'T see my post, this is also what I got into...... Nite.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Happy Tax Day!!!
Well, not so happy for some I suppose. I did mine back in Feb., so I have no worries.
So, lets see..... been hiking lately. Great for exercise. Been helping me lose the weight needed. And I am down another two pounds!! 210!! Feeling like I have more and more energy everyday. And loading batteries everyday is helping with the exercise too. Things on that side of my life are steady. And i'm loving it!!!
On the down side, I feel I have to make a choice. Take a risk and go to school for a job that doesn't pay much more in Jax, but does in other places.... Or let my current employer send me to school and be attached to them for at least another year. Things at work aren't going too well. New CEO, new store manager (I don't see eye to eye with him much), just makes me think I should bail. But then again, its a free education, something that can never be taken away from me. Decisions....
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Another good week
Finally was able to get back into wifeys office again. And as you can see below, success!!!! 225 to 212 in 2 months. Losing it slowly, yes, but I'll be able to keep it off!!!
Our anniversary was last weekend. She got me an awesome gift. Something she put together herself. She was able to find our old wedding invitations and our wedding day scrolls and put them into a shadow box. Absolutely loved it. Me? As they say, I went to Jarred. ;)
We also went for a little hike on our anniversary. Something I never thought we'd do, but it turned out great. Got a lot of pics of nature, too. I'll post some of them here, but the rest will be on my Facebook page.
As you can see, dear reader, all the pics I posted should be on the bottom of this post. Blogging from my phone again. Pulling about 55-60 hour work weeks. No time for traditional exercising, but I am doing a lot of walking and lifting pallets. I do what I can. I know I always say I'll post more, and I always do mean it, but I can't make promises.
Till the weekend......
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wedding anniversary is coming up. Eleven years.... just damn. NEVER thought she'd put up with me for so long. Wifey reads this blog sometimes, so I can't go into what I got her.... yet. But I know she'll love it. So for the past few weeks, she's been working on MY gift. I have been since forbidden to enter her office, which ironically, contains the scale. So I'm not to sure if I am losing like I want to, but I know I am losing. My jeans fit better. WINNING!!!
I started my journey at about 225. Last check, before I was forbidden from her office, I was at 214. Phase 2 will begin next month. A 1200-1500 calorie diet. For now I've just been eating healthy foods, avoiding soda (as much as possible anyway), not eating late, (again, as much as possible), and staying active. I know once I plop my ass in front of the TV it's game over, man!, so I do what I got to. Getting a second job has actually helped in that field. So basically, I feel like I am gonna starve for the next 2 weeks. I'm gonna get sooooooooo sick of Jell-o. But from what I hear, it gets easier after that initial shock. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Another good factor in breaking the plateau is that we are expanding at work. I've been busy for a few days tearing down racks and condensing and moving product. So needless to say, what with the recent humidity, I've been pretty ripe when I get home. But my B.O. was NOTHING compared to what we had a few days ago. Apparently, something crawled under my house and decided to DIE!!! It left behind a foul odor that I thought would linger for days. Thankfully it didn't. Perhaps some other critter decided to make a meal out of it, I suppose. Conclusion???? Time to get more chicken wire!!!!
Finally, I am a big believer of the adage, "If you can't afford gas, you don't need a car". It can be applied to so many things. So I'll take it here..... IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO TIP THE DELIVERY DRIVER, YOU CANT AFFORD TO GET A PIZZA DELIVERED!!!! The delivery charge doesn't go to the driver. We make less than minimum wage and depend on tips. So please show your appreciation to us who deliver to you by tipping us. We make it possible so you don't have to leave your home to get dinner on the table for your family, so please help put dinner on our families' table. We don't do this for charity, we need to make a living, just like you.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Dog Walk
Took the beasts for a walk tonite. The only thing I like about Daylight Savings Time is the fact the sun stays up till about 8, so no matter how late I work, I can still get stuff done. This was supposed to be a baby step forward for wifey and me to exercise more, but I think the dogs got more of a work out. Sandy was panting, and Danny just about collapsed when we got home. So not only am I out of shape, so are my dogs!! So sad...
I think my phone is possessed. I just turned it back on (because the battery died) and it sent text messages I sent days ago. It also received messages from someone I don't know. My phone does weird things. This one time I put it on airplane mode and threw it up in the air, and it did NOTHING!! Worst transformer EVAH!
Nothing else really to say tonite. I went from English to Pirate English on Facebook. So now instead of getting poked, I get skewered!!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Where does the time go?
Sleep, work, eat. Star Wars 3d, kids birthday party, semi house sitting. And to top it all off, I lost an hour of sleep thanks to daylight savings. This describes my weekend. I know I wanted to stay busy this year, but damn. As it stands I have to post from my phone app. That's the only way I can find the time to post any more.
I've still plateaued. Haven't lost or gained anything. And I am back to the weight I was before I fell off the horse. So a small win for me.
Thanks all for sticking with me through this rough patch. My life is a bit insane right now, but I'm working through it. Till next time.....
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Restarting tonite. Getting back on the wagon is taking longer than I want it to so I decided to give myself a swift kick in the ass. In bed before 11pm tonite, first time in weeks. Bought A LOT of healthy foods today, at a cost of $101. Just damn. But it will all work out in the end. Got some good news tonite. Wifey decided to join me. So instead of doing this alone, I now have a partner, someone who can keep me in check. Good times ahead.
Got the dogs groomed too. Sandy looks absolutely goofy shaved like a puppy. I'll post pics later. Of course the first thing they did when we got home was want to roll around outside.
Lazy day today got a bit too lazy. Didn't do much, except watch a movie. Journey 2 was pretty good in my opinion. Plus we didn't spend a dime to see it, we got an AMC giftcard from reward points off our debit card.
Hopefully I can get a good nights sleep tonite. Sleeping by 10 up by 6. Goodnight!!
Lazy Sunday
Going back to a previous post, I have continued to "be the honey badger". However, I decided to expand it to nearly my whole life. I am only one man, and can only give so much of myself to anothers will. I don't need to go down the same path I have gone down for years. The one that dedicates myself to others, and neglects my family. With two new jobs and changes in social circles, it seems I had lost that focus. That loss of focus will be corrected.
I am avoiding the scale for now, until I can get my energy back to do some REAL exercising.
Other than that, pretty uneventful week. Just trying to get back on track to where I was a month ago, before I started this second job. Wish me luck, I'll need it.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Do as I say..... why can't I take my own advice???? I know all the things I have to do. But the main reason I think it is taking so long to accomplish what I want is that I just don't take my own advice. I don't listen to myself. It's easy to make excuses for myself, but if I hear an excuse from someone else, its just not acceptable. And sometimes, I do get mean. So for those who have felt that wrath, I do apologize. It is more difficult than I thought to break old habits. Case in point........
In the meantime, I'll be doing more research into a nighttime protein shake. Or maybe it'll be more beneficial (and cheaper) to eat a small piece of chicken or cheese before bed, like someone suggested in a comment a few posts ago.
Well, three days of hell coming up, so most likely I won't be posting. If I do it'll be short and sweet.
And if I seemed kinda short tempered over the last few posts, just know I have been very tired. I've only had a second job for 3 weeks now, and while I am almost adjusted to it, I'm still not there yet. Hopefully soon I'll be there this weekend so I can resume my Total Gym. Chuck Norris is getting angry. NOT a good thing..........
Monday, February 27, 2012
Too much fiber
I also started to consume more fiber last night, to help with the colitis. I used to take nearly 100% of my daily intake and was fine. I stopped for a while, but I think I stopped too long. Cause now I'm hurtin!!! I know it'll pass (no pun intended), but OY!!! I think wifey may make me sleep on the couch if I don't..... settle down...........
Slowly getting back on track. Still haven't worked up the motivation to work out yet. It'll happen soon I'm sure, just gotta give it time. My doctor told me about something called Jack3d. Its a supplement he uses before his workouts. Kind of unsure about it, may have to do some more research on it.
Not much else to tell for today. No post tomorrow, for I have to work. Good night!! Till next time!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
BE the honey badger
Got a little frustrated last night. Found out a friend reconciled with and old friend. For some reason it hurt me, because of everything I know about the relationship. But then I thought, why does this affect ME? I haven't hung around either of them in months, so why should I care. So, I decided to be the honey badger, and not care. I am happy for them that they decided to bury the hatchet, but it's not going to change the way I live my life. In fact, I don't believe anything will change, and the status quo will remain the same.
Frustrations continued, however, through the night. As I was sitting at my computer one of the cartridges for my Blu ran out. No biggie. So I opened another one. Dead. Had nothing in it. Brand new, right out of the box. OK, so I go for another one. DEAD! So i change batteries. First one, still dead. But alas, the second one did work. The problem with these e-cigs is that it is a machine. Machines fail. Regular cigs don't. But I'll stick with it. Don't wanna go back too far.
I haven't weighed myself in weeks. Because of everything going on in the last four weeks, I haven't been mindful of what I eat, or exercising. And this second job is taking all the energy that I would normally use to exercise. Don't get me wrong, the money is great, and I am getting some exercise, just not the way I wanted to. The only comfort I take in all of this is knowing I can quit at any time. Just have to get a few unexpected bills paid off, and it'll be all good. Good night.......
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Where the HELL have you been!!!!!!
It has been a rough month. Not only did I have to endure the anniversary of my fathers death, his birthday was three weeks later. The family did celebrate, but it was still tough none the less. Little did I know that next on deck, wifey had to have back to back medical procedures. Good times. No worries, shes OK folks. Finally, I decided to get a second job. I don't NEED it, but it's nice to have the extra money, considering I had to take a pay cut to ensure I got 40 hours a week. So while I'm making some extra cash, I am actually preventing myself from sitting on my ass watching TV and pigging out more. WIN!
I could've let this blog wither away. I am not going to be able to update it as much as I like to anymore, so that was the logical choice. But an old friend inspired me to write again. They told me that they missed my posts, and in the past told me that in some way I inspire them. Weird, huh? So like the trooper I am, I shall endure. I can no longer consider this blog just for me. If y'all DO read it and it helps, no matter how many times I fall off that wagon, I believe I have done something for the better. So, thank you, my dear 7 readers.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Normalcy? Please?!?!
Tonite I am trying to go to bed early to see if maybe I will be able to sleep well. Because of last nite lack of it I was too tired to work out. So in bed by 10 tonite.
The days at the office are starting to get longer. More work piled upon me. Nothing I can't handle. Just can't wait for the district manager to come here. There will be fireworks!!!!
BTW, 214.6 on Sunday. Not too shabby, considering I've plateaued.
Short post tonite. Trying to get some sleep. Gotta love Blogger mobile!!!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Been a while...
Then, there's the new job. Trying to balance out between baby-sitting grown men and preventing the boss from thinking I'm the do-boy is harder than I thought. Throw on top of that a corporate office that can change our inventory with out informing us at will, and you have the perfect storm to make a man want to drink. Heh... Once I get that place organized it'll be easier. Just a long journey ahead.
On to happier things. I have my new love.
A mini NuWave oven. Only takes it 18 minutes to cook two chicken breasts and they stay oh so juicy. I don't think I'll use my oven much anymore.... not while this thing is around. Beauty part is that it allows all the fat to drip down from the meat, leaving behind the natural juices. One bite of the Montreal chicken seasoning on the breasts tonite had me hooked. I can't wait to try it with other things.
I haven't worked through my plateau as much as I would've liked to. In fact, I think I may have gained some back. Damn stress eating. But a friend also told me it could be due to the fact that I have been using the Total Gym, so I may be replacing the burnt fat with muscle. We'll see. I'll still hit the scale and let y'all know my progress Sunday. But for now..... bedtime.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Another blog
Speaking of the weight loss, I am not sure where I am on the plateau issue, because I don't weigh myself every day. I tried to eat smarter today, and did a more intense workout on the Total Gym.Now according to the book, in about two weeks I should be ready for the next level. Can't wait for that. But I'd be a fool to skip ahead, so I suppose I will wait.
Honestly, nothing else really to blog about tonite. Just another blah Monday. Meh......
Sunday, January 22, 2012
About Time
I also believe I have found the thing I need to help me sleep, too. Kohls had a BOGO sale this weekend and wifey and I took advantage. Memory foam pillows to go with our mattress topper she got a year ago. I slept like a log last night. Although I can't say the same for wifey. APPARENTLY, I snored like a bear last night. HAHAHA!!!! But I did wake up refreshed this morning, with out having to use melatonin, so hopefully I have found answer I've been looking for.
And in keeping with the whole 2012 change theme, wifey and I re-did our budget. Ouch. We both came to the realization that we've been spending way too much and not saving enough. So for the next few months, we're tightening the belt. So if any old or new friends want to have a good time on the weekends with us, it'll have to be an "in the home" thing. No worries, its cheaper to drink at home than it is to go to a bar anyway. HAHA!!
In two weeks, the Superbowl will be upon us. Six straight hours of pregame, three for the game itself. Ahhhh and the commercials. Can't wait. One big problem though, how does one stay on a healthy diet on this day when tradition says Buffalo wings, nachos, and pizza? When I started this journey I didn't look this far ahead. Its tough, so I'll have to look hard for healthier alternatives. If I find anything good, I will let ya know. G'nite!!!!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Journey into the weekend
After last nites insomnia I didn't wake until almost noon, and stayed in bed thirty more minutes. I hate doing that but I'm not sure what else to do besides taking more melatonin. And I can't really do that with my new shift yet. I'll figure it out soon I'm sure, but for now it sucks!!
Next, I decided to call the cable company. In this lousy economy you gotta do whatever you gotta do to save money. So 40 minutes later, everything is finalized and I got a great deal, now time for the automated stuff to port my phone number over..... that's when I het cut off. I call back, spend another 40 minutes explaining to someone else the deal I got and fighting with them to keep it. Automated stuff time... cut off AGAIN!!!!! Now I'm pissed. Third time... everything is set up, I reverify everything, and I tell the operator to stay on the line with me. FINALLY, it goes through. So now I can save about $100 a month. Winning!!
I've gone practically all day now without eating. I'm just not hungry, and been keeping busy. So at dinner tonite I over did it. Ugh.... This whole moderation thing is gonna be tough. At least I am losing weight. Sadly, because I overslept I didn't get get the blood work today either. So that's a fail. 50/50 day today. Gotta improve that.
Tonite is movie night. A cheesy horror flick and a comedy. Also some adult beverages will be had. Can't go out all the time when you're trying to make changes. They're coming along slowly, but they ARE happening.
Just, damn
But one thing I just realized.... Thursday and Friday nites I didn't work out. And I stayed up late. Tuesday and Wednesday I did work out, and got great nights sleep. So the answer is in front of me. I just gotta grab it. Damn, I honestly didn't make the connection until I started blogging tonite.
.............. just, damn.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Really?! Pt. 2
Ok, I got a package, prolly something wifey ordered..... So I go to the front door to unlock it when I see this.....
Um..... Really???
So FedEx leaves a a tag on my door to say they left a package by my front door?!?!?! Seriously?!?! I saw the box BEFORE the tag!!!!! WTF!?!?!?!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Practice for the Apocalypse
I SOOOOOOOOOOOO want to do this. Its been around for a few years, I only wish I knew about this when I was down in Orlando last year.....
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
...and this little piggy
The offender you ask?? Cookie sheets. A lot of them in fact. As I was pulling one out of the cabinet to cook with tonite, they ALL decided to pay my big toe a visit. All falling down on one part of my toe. So that totally killed any hope of doing leg exercises on the Total Gym, as I need my the tops of my feet to help balance myself. I know it doesn't look bad, but when the combined weight of 10 cookie and cupcake sheets falls edge first on one toe, you tell me how you feel.
I was still able to do regular upper body workouts, along with some lower body ones that required the bottom of my foot only. I added in free weights and Perfect Pushups this time for added training. The doctor said I needed to push it a little, what better time than now? And those push ups aren't as easy as the TV makes them out to be. But I did manage to do 6 before I had to stop. One better that when I first started.
Tomorrow, I am on a temporary shift. 6:30 am. Just a trial run to see how things would run if I was there early getting things together for everyone. It may work, it may not, well see. I think it will be for the best, I just hate getting up at the a$$ crack of dawn. HAHAHA!!! So if I am to get up early, I better sign off and go to melatonin land. G'nite!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Um, yeah....
Now mornings and me don't get along. Its kind of a hate-hate relationship. So I wont be getting blood work during the week. I'll have to wait for Saturday. No big whoop. But even though I hate them, mornings and I have to be on speaking terms. I am getting up wayyyyyy to late in the mornings, causing me to rush around and sometimes be late to work. So there's another thing I must improve upon. Especially when my start time changes from 8:30 am to 6:30 am, which should be in about a month, after I get that warehouse tightened up.
So thank you, Chuck Norris!!!!! I bought your product and feel like you just roundhouse kicked me in the berries. No worries..... the day shall be MINE!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 16, 2012
So far, so good
I finally got the Total Gym set up in my workout room.
Back to the doctor, I think he was more interested in my tattoo work than the job at hand. So hopefully I've referrewd someone to Jess, she does excellent work!!! He also seemed very interested in the reddish, rash looking skin on the back of my arms. He called it keratosis pilaris. No biggie, its not going to kill me or anything, but he said it was a condition passed down from generation to generation. Also of note, he said scientists are finding that it is a condition that originated from Vikings. Not sure how much I believe him, because I couldn't find ANYTHING about it on a Google search. But anything is possible, because from what I know, my ancestors were from all over northern Europe. Germany, France, Poland...... I'm a Euro-mutt!!! HAHAHA!!!!
Have I read the book yet that I talked about last post?? No. Is it late?? Yes. Its only 135 pages, so what should take a normal person a week will take me a month!!! So if I don't blog here over the next few days, I didn't fall off the earth. Just reading........ Off to bed, with my new best friend, Melatonin.....
Good... no GREAT morning!!!
I was finally able to get my 2nd bottle of Syntha-6 on Saturday. Apparently, the Vitamin Shoppe has vendors come in every now and then to give out free samples.The first one I was offered??? OxyELITE Pro. AKA, purple pegasus. Ive taken them before, so I said, "nah." The guy was perplexed, but when I explained to him about the side effects I had, he backed off. Next was a built guy just offering a book and some advise. I listened to him and his story was nearly a mirror image to mine, except for the age part. Overweight at a young age, not wanting to be like his father (health wise), and not sure where to turn. So I bought his book, which I WILL read and review later. Finally, a boxing class for women. Wifey loved the idea, so she signed up for a contest for a free year.
I feel like I want to get alot done today. I requested this day off from work specifically to go to the doctor, but I slept so well last night, I don't want to waste the day away by watching movies. So lets see if my body can match the motivation in my mind!!!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Another Sunday
Time to go at it, my weekly routine of facing my enemy, le scale. I was feeling a little bit nervous because although I ate relativley healthy, I did over eat on some occasions. Moment of truth.....
Just damn!! I was amazed this morning. I had all day to think about how I keep losing, and the only thing I can come up with is my new job. No more am I just sitting on my ass driving for hours on end, I'm moving, lifting, twisting, walking, and all kinds of other things. I think this change was timed perfectly, a kind of healthy perfect storm.
The one thing I can do without is this insomnia. In the last 48 hours, I maybe have slept.... 6??? I dunno what my deal is, but I am going to the doctor tomorrow for a check up, I'll tell him about it. Till then, its another meletonin night. So tonite I am posting from my bed. That's right, there's an app for that!!!
Finally, I got my Total Gym back from my father in law. I was going to set it up today, but got a little distracted from the playoffs. That and I've been nodding off half the day. The only thing I had the energy to do today was to make sure the couch didn't float away. By about 6 I helped wifey clean the living room, but that's about it. So its an early nite, relatively speaking, for me. More things happened this weekend for me, but I'm starting to nod off again. That and posting from this little phone is a bit annoying. So I'll post tomorrow to get all 7 of you caught up. Nite!!!!
P.S. BTW how can anyone throw something away when its endorsed by Chuck Norris???
Friday, January 13, 2012
This Actually Made Me Smile
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
My bed must hate me
I haven't slept well all week. I usually end up going to bed about 11, but for some reason I lay awake until about 2. My body is tired from my new position at work, but my mind is running a mile a minute. Also, playing angry birds doesn't help. ;)
Right now it is 10:00 pm, and I will try some melonitonin tonite. Hopefully it will help, because if not, I'm up a creek. I go to see the doctor on Monday, nothing big, just a physical. He'll tell me I'm overweight, I'll tell him I'm trying, I'll get needles into me, and then I'll go home. That's usually the way things have gone in the past. Hopefully this time around I'll get some actual advise.
Don't know why I'm feeling down about a lot of things right now, just a bad day I guess. Oh, well. Tomorrow is Friday. I had a productive weekend last week, here's to another one. Cheers!!!
*update* BTW, I wasn't going to post tonite, but then I realized, I can't disappoint all 7 of you. 'Nite.....
Chaos Reigns
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day 1, Pt. 2
I only worked out for about 15-20 minutes, but I was ready to be done after 5. I had to push myself. If not now, when? If not here, where? Broke a good sweat, but I know now I am seriously out of shape. I am going to be watching more YouTube vids on good exercises for a free standing heavy bag tonite too. I know I shouldn't disappointed today, I did take another step forward, but I just cannot come to grips with how I let myself go so much. I am my own worst enemy.
Today I did have my normal shake, the gooooooooood sandwich I posted about earlier, and a not so healthy dinner. Enchiladas. Two out of three ain't bad, right? Meh, its more difficult than I thought to stay on a good diet. So many temptations out there. And again, I know I am making some progress, but somehow it doesn't seem like its enough to me. Its something I'll have to think about.
So it took a little longer to execute, but ohhhhhh so worth it. Another perk of being off the road, I am not confined to fast food or boring lunches anymore. Nom nom nom....
Monday, January 9, 2012
Moving on, it is official. I have been pulled off the road at work. I now work in the warehouse permanently. Some may think I am a fool, losing all the overtime, but I did it for two reasons. First, it's steady work, with a set start and end time. That gives me the opportunity to plan things during the week, and possibly go to school. And B., (secondly for those who were paying attention) a new routing system is coming to my job. And from what I hear about it from talking with other locations who already have it, it's going to be a rough transition. Times are already tough now, so I went where the work was. I'm happy, you should be, too, damnit!!!
Ahh, tonights dinner. Peppercorn talipia, fresh spinach and rice pilaf. The sauce wasn't that good, so I scraped it off. Only about 650 calories for all of it, not too shabby. I did go above 1600 today though. Damn you Mountain Dew!!!!! But I stayed below 2000. I have been drinking alot more water lately, which is helping. And I am also almost out of Syntha-6. So far so good. Its a slow transition, but working so far. Tomorrow, I start the heavy bag. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Gonna ramp it up!!!
Now all I need is some good music to box to. One can only listen to "Eye of the Tiger" so much.....
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Working Title
So I accomplished a goal of mine yesterday, getting my gym set up. Well, mostly, because I still have to get floor mats. And I also have to see if I can weasel my father-in-law back out of the Total Gym he got from us. I mean, we were going to put it out by the curb, but he took it and its collecting dust in the shed. So, what's the worst that could happen?? He'd say no. Big whoop. I say if you want something bad enough, do what you have to do (legally) to acquire it.
I also introduced my mom to the world of wholesale clubs, and dropped about $200 in the process. I wasn't PLANNING it, Maybe??? I dunno, I got food that will last us about 3 months, so I'd say 50/50. The only mistake we made was going too early. Usually on Saturday these places have free samples set up, and could literally come in hungry and leave full. When WE arrived however, they were still setting up, so no samples until we were leaving. So, a bitter sweet win. Again, 50/50.
Finally, as per Sunday tradition, I went to my enemy, the scale. Strangely, he's been nice to me lately. I am at 215.8. Win?? You'd think..... Problem is I didn't eat much yesterday. I had 2 Cafe Vanilla Frappuccions, a fast food burger and fries (small), and 3 bites of a sub sandwich. That's it, all within the last 24 hours. I'm just NOT hungry lately. I'm not sure if its just because I am too busy to even feel hungry or if it's because my metabolism is in fact turning around. I think it's too early to tell, but I will keep updating.
God help me if Starbucks and Mountain Dew EVER come out with a hybrid drink. I'd gain about 50 pounds!!!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Doing it Right!!!
Today was very busy. Usually weekends are busier than the week, but thats because I work all week long and have long hours. So weekedns are reserved to get things done. I have been pining to start working out, and now that the creeping crud is gone, it's time to execute! I spent most of the day setting up my workout room. It's a small start, one non hanging heavy bag and one non hanging speed bag. A couple of free weights and Perfect Pushups! Ironically, I got a workout cleaning the crap out of that room, so it was a double win!!!
I started with the heavy bag. ALOT of noise.I filled it with water because I have a spigot and it's cheaper. But after all the noise I heard, I will probably switch to sand or just get a hanging heavy bag. No noise from the speed bag, even filled with water. But I think I'd like it a bit speedier. Now I like the Perfect Pushups just fine, it does really work you. Sadly, I was only able to do 5.... Thats right.... 5..... I am sooooooooo out of shape. I used to do about 60 in 90 seconds in JROTC.
The only thing left to complete the room is mats. Going to cost about $70 to cover the whole floor, but in the long run, it'll be worth it. Now I just have to get down there and DO IT!!!! I'm feeling motivated today, like I want to punch right through the bag!!!
Random thought.... a couple of years ago we had a garage sale and I was trying to sell a Total Gym, but it never sold. My father in law took it and put it in his shed. He couldn't stand the fact that we were willing to put it out on the curb. Maybe I can get it back from him...... maybe.......
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Lazy today
Honestly, to all my millions...... hundreds...... ok, 5 readers out there, I don't feel much like posting tonite. It's been a long 24 hours filled with ups and downs, and I'm just burnt out. I now have the breathing ability to exercise, but not the drive right now. Just too much to take in right now. I think a good night sleep will help. By tomorrow, I should be back to my normal self, and I'll update yall on the perfect pushup challenge.
But, if there's one thing I've learned in this life, its you just gotta make em laugh.
Good nite. ;)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Highs & Lows
The good.... I have a new job at work. I've been pulled off the road to handle the warehouse. Organizing, stocking, making sure everything flows smoothly.Nothing will come into or leave that warehouse with out my knowledge. Inventory wasn't too bad this year, but it could've been better. Next years goal is to have a perfect one. 10 corrections MAX. Another reason I am happy is because it is a guaranteed 40 hours. A new routing program is coming to our office, and it only schedules efficient routes. So, if I were on the road, I may not get paid my 40...... and I need my 40. It also gives me the opportunity to go to school. I was hoping to go for IT, but I may have to be practical and go for a business degree. Or if I feel froggy, both. ;) Today was my last day on the road. I am going to miss it, but my future can't be on pavement.
The bad..... It is 6:15 pm as I am writing this. In about 6 hours will be the 1 year anniversary of my fathers passing. I got a bit teared up about it today on the road too. In fact, I'm tearing up about it a bit now. I can't believe its already been a year, it seems so fresh. The wifey has been a doll about it, too, giving me a bit more leeway with me and my emotions toward her lately. She's a trooper. I do miss him and could've used his advice recently about something, but I thought to myself, "What would dad do" and did it. I also know he's in a better place and no longer suffering.
I did however pay tribute to him by getting the same tattoo he had..........
I would say Jess at Todd Lake Studios did a great job. (Mine is on top, dad on the bottom)
I will not eat emotionally tonite, good or bad day. I have to keep focused on the goal. The first year is tough, but with all the good things happening around me, supportive friends, family, and blog readers, it'll be OK.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
I hate inventory
One good thing, I did keep busy. Not much time to snack. Protein shake for breakfast, then the boss ordered pizza for lunch. Only 3 slices. That may seem like much, but I can usually put away about 7 on a large pie. Kind of an iffy dinner, taquitos, but it was 7 pm when I got home. I was tired. Another thing is that I ate dinner last nite at 4:30 (frozen pizza), and wasn't remotely hungry the rest of the night. So while I am eating less, my choices aren't the best. They aren't the worst, but I could do better.
Because of the late home arrival, I had no time to do any sort of exerscise tonite. I was looking forward to trying these "Perfect Pushup" handles I got for myself a few weeks ago. I was always in better shape when I was doing a constant routine of push-ups, sit-ups and running. Every Friday, NJROTC. Its something I know, so I think I will try to start there.
Finally, for you 2012 doom and gloomers out there, there's hope!!!!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year!!!
Anyhow, I've been spending the last two days cleaning house, figuratively and in actuality. Gone are the chocolate truffles, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and other empty carbs. I went grocery shopping today and bought bananas. Salads. Fish. Ground chicken. And I realized yet another thing. Eating healthy is expensive. It's like these companies WANT you to eat their processed crap. For $6, I can go to McDonald's and stuff my face with a Big Mac. Or for about $8, I eat healthy. So I gotta figure out a better way to eat healthy AND stick to a budget. A tricky balance.
I also started to rid myself of the drama. Actually, I started it about 45 minutes after I posted last. I let it be known that I have lost alot of respect for a long time friend for the what he did on New Year's Eve. I probably pissed him off to no end, but I hope he got the message. I won't go into details, but I will say that no one, no matter who they are or what they've done, deserves to be left in continuous limbo...... On to other subjects....
So as I am slowly transition to healthier foods, I still do have cravings for the junk food I have come to covet. I split a frozen pizza with the wifey today. It took an hour for my belly to stop bitching at me for that. Oh well for that. I've also been reading up a bit on B12. Oh well for that too. From what I've been reading, it really doesn't help unless you have a deficiency. I did however do alot around the house today, and in my personal office. Its been a disaster for weeks, and its finally not so MUCH of a disaster. Small steps, small steps.........
Finally, today is my birthday. I have gotten ALOT of messages today wishing me a Happy Birthday. For that, I thank you all. I could've had a Key Lime cake today, but if I start making exceptions today, I'll do it over and over again.
...........besides, last years cake will be difficult to top.