I was finally able to work out today, after weeks of suffering with the creeping crud. I still have some of it in me, but its mostly gone. I hit the heavy bag today. Now the only problem is when I hit it, it decided to move. So there I was, going back and forth, up and down the spare room with this thing. I am also sure it was giving wifey a mad headache. When I started it felt kind of awkward, but after about a minute of hitting, I was in the zone. Sadly, it didn't last very long. That's right, lady readers, I was your typical male. Full of energy at the start and then BOOM!!!!! peaked quickly and was done. HAHAHAHA!!!
I only worked out for about 15-20 minutes, but I was ready to be done after 5. I had to push myself. If not now, when? If not here, where? Broke a good sweat, but I know now I am seriously out of shape. I am going to be watching more YouTube vids on good exercises for a free standing heavy bag tonite too. I know I shouldn't disappointed today, I did take another step forward, but I just cannot come to grips with how I let myself go so much. I am my own worst enemy.
Today I did have my normal shake, the gooooooooood sandwich I posted about earlier, and a not so healthy dinner. Enchiladas. Two out of three ain't bad, right? Meh, its more difficult than I thought to stay on a good diet. So many temptations out there. And again, I know I am making some progress, but somehow it doesn't seem like its enough to me. Its something I'll have to think about.
Next week, I am going to submit myself to my doctor. Poke, prod, do what you have to do. Take all the blood and urine you want, I need to know if there is something missing or if there is too much something. Every little bit helps and I refuse to do this half assed. Tomorrow, I hit the free weights and Perfect Pushups. Can't wait to tell you about it, my dear 7 readers!!! [Show some love and click that 'follow' button to the right!!! ;) ]
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