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Saturday, December 31, 2011


OK, so I haven't been posting for a few days. End of the year activities at work have to take precedence over blogging. It pays the bills and keeps the internet up. HAHA!! During this time I have been running around like a headless chicken again, going back and forth over things I've gone through dozens of times. So that means not much time to really think about what I am eating, drinking, and overall putting into my body.

This morning I woke up with a sick feeling. I am just now getting over this creeping crud thats been keeping me down for so long. Then it dawned on me; all the crap I've been eating. Ugh..... But I sucked it up and went to the dreadded scale to face the consequences.............

BELOW 220!!!!!!!    218.7 to be precise. I seriously don't know how it happened. I haven't been eating too bad, but at the same time, not too well either. I thought about it for a while and realized... because I've been so busy, I didn't have TIME to stuff my face with all the snacks. Just lunch and dinner. Maybe that's the way to start. So, 2012 will be the year of.........


What does that mean for me? Ridding myself of all things that distract me. And it is all encompassing. Crappy food, useless pursuits of vanity and possession, and sadly, people. I just cannot tolerate the drama any longer. It takes me away from the things that are important to me and eats away at my soul. And it's a big part of the reason I have been abusing my body. No más! Now, admittedly, some people I know will have some problems come up and they usually come to me. That I can handle. But ongoing drama..... no. I'm done.

Well, Happy New Year everybody!!!!! See you in 2012!!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It has come to my attention that not everyone knows what an orange mocha frappuccino is. To explain....


I can see an end to this stubborn sickness!!! I'm breathing easier, my nose is drying up, and I had more energy today. Big win. Lets just hope this trend continues. By getting an early start to this, I hope to have an epic 2012. Now I know I won't become the next big male model, ordering orange mocha frappuccinos and having gasoline fights, but I will feel better and get more done with more energy. Thats my goal.

That being said, I was bad today. Taco Bell for lunch. I know, I shouldn't have, but I won't do it again.... terrible gas!! HAHAHA!!! I still had my protein shake, and a pretty sensible dinner. With the fast pace of the holidays around, I could've done worse. So tomorrow its back to the norm.

I guess I'll end this post here. It is REALLY difficult to concentrate when the wife is watching Sailor Moon in the other room with the volume turned up...... MOON PRISIM POWER!!!!!!!

UGH.................... help me.......

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nowhere Fast

So it seems I can't get a grip on this cold I have. Been with me for 10 days now. The only good thing about it is that I didn't binge over Christmas. There was ALOT of food, good food, but I didn't touch most of it. Still, coughing up phlgem isn't any fun. I'm coughing so much that its giving me a headache and it's even hurting my teeth.

But, today wasn't a total waste. Working in the warehouse all day, breaking a sweat many times, I think I got my exerscise. As much as I can tolerate anyhow. Man, I can't wait to be over this cold. I just feel like I want to burst out and get up and move. Ah, well. Positive thinking...... and codeine cough syrup!!!

Today, I had my usual protein shake, 200 calroies, an 800 calorie lunch, snacks included, and half a sub sandwhich. Not sure of the calorie count, but it was from Publix, so you know it was DAMN GOOD. I've lost about a pound so far from last week. I started at 222 and am now down to 221.2. Slow, but progress. I want to get down to about 175-180, so I won't be overweight, but I won't look like a stick either.

I'm in the process of trying to purge all the fattening stuff from the house. I know you can't get rid of it all, one of the biggest reasons people fail diets is that they deny themselves cravings. Smokers can't quit cold turkey, they ween themselves. And that's what I'll be doing. So no more buying chocolate truffles....   :(  

......... but if I got some for my birthday coming up, it would be rude NOT to eat them, right??  ;)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Busy Night

So the fellas at Angry Birds came out with a new update for my phone. I know what I'll be doing tonite, since I can't do much else with this stupid bronchitis.

It's days like this that really get to me. I know what I need to do to get into better shape, I just don't have the energy at the end of the day. Work drains it all out of me. Not to mention I am now having to take an inhaler every 4 hours just to breathe properly. Perhaps I should've waited until the new year to start........

Nah. I think I picked an ok time. Just have to get over this illness and I'll be fine.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My mornings

So a few weeks ago, a co worker of mine and I were talking and I asked him what he does to stay so young looking. He's in his 40's, but could easily pass for mid to late 20's. Other than the obvious working out, he introduced me to a protein shake called Syntha-6. This stuff works. I drink it at 8:30, and I usually don't get hungry again until about 1.

Lately though, I've been forcing the issue. 12 o'clock, lunch time. After having that mindset engraved in you from kindergarten on, its a little difficult to break. So my next goal, I think, should be to break myself of that. If I'm not hungry, why eat?  I've been doing it for years, out of boredom or just looking at my watch and saying, "Hey!! It's 12:00!!" Time to start breaking old habits.

Which brings me to tonites update. I didn't have time to make my lunch this morning, but instead of fast food, I chose a sub sandwich. A small, yet important victory I think. Got plenty of exercise today running around the warehouse like a headless chicken. I want to do more, bit until this bronchitis clears up, I'm kinda limited.

Had a normal meal for dinner, nothing too extreme. But not the healthiest of choices either. Slowly, I am getting better at realizing the crap I've been putting into my body. It has to stop. If not for my family, then to at least annoy the wife well into my old age.  ;)  


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One More Thing.....

One more thing..... While this blog is mainly about my struggles to lose this excess weight and get healthier, I will sometimes comment on strange and odd things I observe.

I heard of something today that disturbed me. Do us guys REALLY have no control of our things when we pee? SRSLY?? Only one female is employed where I work. We are all very protective of her and she is of us. But when she stormed into the warehouse with a "gtfo of my way" look, I knew what happened. Is it really too much to ask of us men to clean up our urine and pubes left behind? I mean, if you're that sloppy at work I'd hate to see your own bathroom.

And for single guys out there, do you REALLY think that hot girl in the office will even touch you if she goes into the bathroom after you and she cleans up YOUR piss?? She's not your mom, dude.

Generally, women don't do this. They are cleaner, neater, and and if they do leave a bit of a mess because of Aunt Flo, they clean it up. Although it smells like they used half of a bottle of bleach, but that's beside the point. So have a little respect for the ladies and yourselves, fellow men. Clean up your own messes.

Better Than Yesterday

Today was a little better. Shake for breakfast, small sandwhich and boiled eggs for lunch and a small 140 calorie snack. I pulled a 53 foot trailer full of product by my lonesome, so there's my exerscise. For dinner, I splurged again, but not to the extent I did last nite. A relatively "healthy" chicken sandwhich at Wendy's. I could've done worse by getting the "W", but I am supposed to be changing!!! So today I think I hit about 60% success.

But now on to the bad stuff......

For the past week I have been fighting off bronchitis. I thought I was getting better, so I decided to sand a wood project I am working on. Big mistake. Sawdust got into my lungs, had a very sore throat by 11 pm and woke up VERY stuffy. So it will be a NyQuil night. (Big effin' Q!!!!!)<~~~~~ [thats for you Rusty.] But I am not going to let this get me down. I am improving on my diet.... slowly. Thank you for the encouraging replies over the past few days.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Well, kinda. I know everything takes time, especially when you are trying to change your lifestyle, but I am paying for this one. This morning I started with good intentions. Had my SynthSix shake at 8:30 and didnt feel hungry at all. 1:00 came around and I knew I had to eat something; just one shake CAN'T get me thruogh the day.... So i ate lunch. My small sandwhich and 2 hard boiled eggs.

Then I kept going.

A small 110 calorie snack bar. OK, no biggie, I can work this off. Once home, however, it hit the fan. Italian sausage hoagies smothered in ragu and cheese. Ugh.... I'm hurting. So whatever exerscise and good intentions I had from this morning went down the tubes. Oh yeah, I am sipping on Mountain Dew (my personal crack) right now. Bad Mike!!!

I shall try again tomorrow. Right back on that horse. So day one, I would say 35% success.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 1

Once or twice in a person's life do they get the opportunity to have a profound revalation with out having almost died. I have recently had one. It occured to me when I realized, with a few variations, I was in following the same path my father had. Smoking, drinking hard liquor, developing a beer belly before 30, etc.  Its been almost a year since my father passed, and everything he did to his body contributed to his early demise. This is not for me. To my knowledge, no male in my family has made it past 65. And I am 32. I am too young to be "middle aged".

Some family traditions are good. This one has to stop.

Thats where this blog comes into play. I am starting a new life. It's a little early; people usually do things like this ater Jan. 1, but I want a head start.

About me, I am 32, married, no kids, have a steady job and home. I have Ulcerative Colitis, a type of IBD (which is even more a reason to change my life style), diagnosed in 2008. I am a sci-fi and computer geek, am addicted to tattoos, and love to go to the beach. Sadly, with this body of mine, it is very embarrassing to go back there.

I will start slowly. You'd be crazy to smoke an entier pack of cigarettes at once, you smoke em one at a time. So daily, or nearly daily, I'll update. ANY encouragement will help.

Today, I am making some hard boiles eggs for extra protein, to eat tomorrow. It'll be a long haul, but worth it. Wish me luck!!!!!!