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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 1

Once or twice in a person's life do they get the opportunity to have a profound revalation with out having almost died. I have recently had one. It occured to me when I realized, with a few variations, I was in following the same path my father had. Smoking, drinking hard liquor, developing a beer belly before 30, etc.  Its been almost a year since my father passed, and everything he did to his body contributed to his early demise. This is not for me. To my knowledge, no male in my family has made it past 65. And I am 32. I am too young to be "middle aged".

Some family traditions are good. This one has to stop.

Thats where this blog comes into play. I am starting a new life. It's a little early; people usually do things like this ater Jan. 1, but I want a head start.

About me, I am 32, married, no kids, have a steady job and home. I have Ulcerative Colitis, a type of IBD (which is even more a reason to change my life style), diagnosed in 2008. I am a sci-fi and computer geek, am addicted to tattoos, and love to go to the beach. Sadly, with this body of mine, it is very embarrassing to go back there.

I will start slowly. You'd be crazy to smoke an entier pack of cigarettes at once, you smoke em one at a time. So daily, or nearly daily, I'll update. ANY encouragement will help.

Today, I am making some hard boiles eggs for extra protein, to eat tomorrow. It'll be a long haul, but worth it. Wish me luck!!!!!!


  1. Thank God!!!! It's about time. Now do you understand why I wouldn't give you dad's old cigs the night he DIED??!!!!! I hope you follow through with this. Once you make it past the hard s**t you're gonna feel soooooo much better, you wont even want to go back. Let me know if you need any food advice (i really know about this stuff)and I would be happy to help. Dont forget about exercise too. Even light walking can be helpful. Yayyyyy!!!! Carol should be happy as well, cuz now she hopefully wont have to play nurse for years like mom did. Good decision, bro.

  2. This is a wonderful thing you are doing. I wish you all the luck. You can do it!
