Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Week one, complete!!
....And I passed. Watched the lecture read the book, used the flashcards, took the quiz, and passed. Only 6 questions, but they were kind of misleading. I mean, seriously, illegible handwriting is a HANDICAP?!?! Um, I guess that means most of the doctors in this country are handicapped, too, right? ;)
I'm actually surprised I have the ability to stay awake right now. I didn't get home from pizza delivery till about 11pm, dinner and bed by 11:45. I know going to bed so soon after eating isn't good, but I was exhausted!! These 14 hour days are killers, but I love the extra money coming in.
Speaking of money, wifey and I are exploring ALL our options to have little ones run around the house. We just got off the phone with an adoption agency. Seems legit, I might add. Good story, pretty solid looking company. Then, like most things, it came down to the money. "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!" And oh boy, they wanted us to show them A LOT!!!!! $27,000, and that's just THEIR fee!!! Legal fees, home study, travel, and birth mother support, you're looking at about $40,000. After all of that, there won't be any money left to support a kid!!! Hell, with that kind of money, I'll just go buy a hooked up Dodge Challenger and call it my baby.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Schools in session!!
Hello peeps!!! So I've made my decision and chose to stick with my current job and let them pay for my education. I really don't need to be saddled with even MORE debt than I already have. So tonite was my first nite, and all I can say is boooorring. Had to read the first chapter of a dull, dry read of a book for assistive technology. I actually fell asleep during the first half hour!! HAHAHA!!!
So it took me about 3 hours to read what I had to read. The rest was cake. Mmmmmmmm...... cake........
No, must.... remember.... diet....
Every Monday I get a weeks worth of assignments and discussion questions, and I got most of it done tonite. I have about 90 minutes with of material left and then I'm done for the week!! Just a webinar and a quiz.
Besides school, things have been insane lately. Wifey and I have been getting a lot of outdoorsy stuff done, all on account of her wanting to use her new camera. Nature trails, Castillo de San Marco, and even kids birthday parties. Her head has been stuck behind that camera. And she's actually pretty good, to boot.
My poor nephew was back in the hospital, too. And of course he wanted visitors. All he wanted to do was talk his head off to uncle Mike about the video game he wants to make. But things look good for him, seems he may be going home tomorrow!!
Some other things have happened too, but I don't want this post to be too long. Anyhow, its 12:30 and 6:30 comes early. But for those that DIDN'T see my post, this is also what I got into...... Nite.